Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Jumbled-Up Post of My Thoughts........

I really stress the importance of having a feminine look. By feminine I do not mean exposed cleavage, dresses down to mid-thighs, etc.

I mean dresses or skirts that at least touch the knee, shirts that cover in an appropiate manner, etc.

The other thing is this, hairstyles. Some women today wear such masculine hairstyles ( and clothing ) that they'd look like a guy from behind.

And some " rock-star dudes " look like women from behind....eck....

I know some of what I'm about to say will probably offend some people, but please know I'm not attacking anyone for it, I'm stating my beliefs as to why I don't like the masculine hairstyles.

I think Yahweh wishes for women to appear like women and men to appear like men, it's that simple. I don't have anything against a guy who throws on a pink shirt. ( Unless that pink shirt is feminine. There's a difference between a masculine pink shirt and a feminine pink shirt. )

And I think some hairstyles ( on a woman )can define a way a woman is treated.

Goodness that was a jumbled-up post,but I hope everyone got the jist of what I tried to express.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What Have I Been Doing Lately?

I don't really know what I want to post, but starting off with sticky topics like " pixie haircuts " might offend some, yet isn't the head covering topic a sticky one? ;)

I suppose I should just blog about what's been going on these past two weeks.

Dad's had various doctor appointments, which means after we've dropped him off, we'd go shopping! ( Because his tests take a while. ) But with the last shopping trip we went on, it was stressful. ( That's due to having three younger siblings. :/ But I was in a cruddy mood too for being stuck at one store that Mom decided to go to first instead of another store because two of them had bad attitudes earlier. )

In these past two weeks, I've gotten one headscarf, two skirts, and a kind of maxi dress. ( By maxi I mean long. )

So, that's what I've been doing, and some schoolwork and chores. :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Some More Head Coverings Pics

( I can't remember if I already uploaded some of these things or not. )

( I look like a Catholic nun, in a way, LOL )

A Picture I Love

Preparing for Sabbath

Sabbath is coming up! Goodness this week has flown by!

Well, needless to say, this week has been good. Schoolwork has been going good, and just life in general, except for Dad, who is experiencing some health issues at the moment. :/

Preparing for Sabbath means I need to scrub the tub ( not my favorite task ) and wash a LOT of laundry.

What will you be doing this weekend?

PS I got a haircut! As much as I like having long hair, I can't handle it properly ( I miss tangles, that grow in knots. ), but my haircut is still a feminine one.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A New Headscarf from Wal-Mart

This is a new headscarf I bought from Wal-Mart! ( There were more and I should've looked at them we go. )

I haven't wore the headscarf styles in months so this should be interesting. :)

Immodest Costumes, Part 1

I have decided to upload of pics of my immodest dance costumes I've worn.
Booty shorts ( Thank you God I don't have to wear them again! )

You see how daddgum short these things are?! Ack! Yahweh forgive me....

I will try and upload the pic of the costume for my jazz routine later.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Influences-TV, Immodest Clothes, Argh!

As I watch TV ( which I'm considering cutting down on certain channels due to inappropiate attire and non-Christian things ), I see women and teenagers dressing in inappropiate ways, and it " influences " me to want to dress like them! I feel this strange tug to dress like them, put on fancy jewelry, and wear sparkly heels!

Now, I'm not saying that there's anything exactly wrong with jewelry and sparkly heels, but I don't feel like for me it'd put off the wrong image. I want to dress like a traditional Christian teenager would, and not in a way that would disrespect my body. ( I say " traditional " because some Christians nowadays act very worldly and modern. )

So, I must realize, that what's on TV isn't necessarily right, and that the Devil will try to push things in my face in hopes that I will disobey Yahweh.

What Is Your Favorite Style of Head Covering?

What is your favorite style of covering? Amishy kapp style, Muslim-like head scarf, bun cover, veil, or another style? If you feel comfortable explaining, would you explain why you wear a particular style?

Thanks! :)

Something I Wouldn't Want To Admit To Others

Ick, I've had strep since Saturday, and today I'm finally feeling " totally here " and not " like I'm floating around in a dream ". ( <----the last feeling probably came from the cough medicene I took. ) Sunday was probably the worst day, but today I'm feeling well enough to do some more chores, lol.

I realized that I would be ashamed to admit ( and wouldn't want to admit ) to modest-dressing females ( or anyone for that matter! ) that I'm a dancer. I know I'm a hypocrite, yet I know my confession would change other's view of me dramatically.

Anyway, competition is next month. These next five ( possibly four if we don't qualify for Nationals ) months are going to be fun, I hope. I just feel shamed now everytime I think of our immodest costumes, argh! :( I hate the feeling of being trapped.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Watching these figure skaters makes me want to keep performing! Augh!

Watching ice skating on TV makes me wonder if I should really continue to pursue this " extreme " modest clothing thing and just keep performing until I'm 18. Seeing Ashley Wagner ice skate is inspiring, LOL.

Yet I know that not wearing my modest dress and head coverings would grate on my conscience. Two, financially it would help my parents ( despite what they say ) if I didn't do dance again after this dance year ends. Three, I'm asthmatic, and even though I've danced all these years, it's relentless.

I recall when we were practicing before we went on stage last year for recital, and the dance we were practicing was tap. Tap has especially been excruciating on my lungs, but I can usually get through it and take a puff of my inhaler when I'm done. But while we were practicing, I couldn't finish out the end, I was too out of breath. I raced to my bag and got my inhaler. :/

Jazz, one of my all-time favorites, hasn't been nice to my lungs either, but I've dealt with it best I can. My parents love it when I perform, and in making this decision not to take dance again, I wonder if my dad doubts my seriousness in my decision.

I don't know if I go into asthma attacks or not when I get off stage or I finish practicing. I don't have a good idea of what an asthma attack really is, because most of them have occurred in my sleep, and I've only woke up twice during them. ( I can't dinguish the difference between just being out of breath and experiencing a full-blown asthma attack unless I'm waking up while I have one. )

Anyway, enough explaination about my current state of health, I need prayer: Pray that watching performances won't tempt me into continuing dance for a few more years. This is becoming harder.

Thanks. :) And may Yahweh bless your day, your family, and your life.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ever Reconsidered?

I sometimes reconsider my head covering and modest dress. Has anyone else felt that feeling? " Wouldn't it be fine if I have my head uncovered ( but with a ponytail maybe ) and put a pair of jeans on? " I ask myself sometimes.

Uh, no.

Heck no.

When I feel this way, I'm either encouraged by 1. Pictures on the internet of modest dressing and head covering women. 2. Other modest dressing/head covering women in my town. And, I'm beginning to become encouraged by the amount of hits I get on my blog. :) ( I rarely view my blog so I can try and get an estimate of how many people are reading it. )

Do not be discouraged by the immodesty, sisters! Stay strong. :)

Yahweh's blessings.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

5 Months Is A Really, REALLY Long Time......

These next five months may feel like infinity. While I'm going to enjoy them, I'm going to be SUPER GLAD when they're over. ( I'll be blogging along the way. :) And afterwards of course. )

I was thinking about posting some of my dance costumes and my dance practice attire on here ( none too revealing ), just to give you a general idea of what we're given to perform in. Then I'd post pictures of my modest attire and head coverings to compare. ( Maybe a dance pic on one side and a modest dress pic on the other side. )

What do y'all think?

Honoring My Body

Since I've began dressing in a feminine, modest manner, it has given me a new way of looking at clothing. I've seen way too many immodest fashions accepted by Christians and pulled into the church. But I'm not going to go into another long diatribe about how some girls and women alike dress like prostitutes in church, instead I'm going to reflect on my personal decisions.

Ok, here we go. Imagine for a moment a teenage girl clad in knee-length ( cloth ) leggings, shorts, and a t-shirt ( a short-sleeve one, perhaps the front low enough to reveal the collarbone and some of the chest. ). Now, if you're a male, how would you treat her?

Now, imagine a girl in a knee-length skirt, a short-sleeve shirt, but one that covers a lot of chest and the collarbone,and a head covering.

How would you treat her?

Which for me is respecting my body? Evidently the latter. For me, donning leggings with shorts don't make the shorts more modest, because the leggings still show the figure of my legs, whereas a regular skirt does not.

These are my personal modesty standards for the public eye and how I respect my body.

May Yahweh bless you and shower his blessings upon you.

Any questions or personal comments you'd like me to hear? Either comment on this post or email me at


I am now firm in my decision to make this my last dance year. There have been some doubts since I first came to the decision, but now, I feel that my decision is right.

If we qualify for Nationals, this dance year will last until June, which is when we'll perform. If we don't, the last dance month will be in May, when we have our recital.