Saturday, April 21, 2012

Modest Clothes and Dance

I am very confused sometimes. I feel comfortable in my dance costumes on stage, but off stage and comparing my dance costumes to my every day modest clothes? I feel hypocritical. Truth is, I don't feel like I can continue to wear those costumes and wear modest clothes and head coverings. But I still want to dance. I love competiting and performing, the adrenaline rush is wonderful, LOL. I need to post pictures of my outfits so you all can get an idea of what I'm given to wear. On another note, I found some veils and kapp-type coverings that cover the hair well. :) Here at ( Hopefully I can buy from them sometime. )


  1. I agree with you when you say you don't think you can continue with wearing dance things and then modesty. It is kind of hypicritical don't you thinkl?
    I am really not trying to be rude, I hope you understand.

    But do what you feel is right. Dressing modestly should make you feel better than dancing.
    I know dancing gives a thrill and all. I use to do belly dancing. But I never competed. I did it at home for my own entertainment even before I was muslim.

    Maybe finding soemthing else that makes you feel the same as dancing?

    I hope I can help. I also hope I wasn't rude. Please forgive me if I was. I really am not trying to be.

  2. No ma'am, it is not rude. :) I am being hypocritcal and hope I have the strength to not take again. ( I have about two more months of classes before the dance year ends. )

  3. I've decided not to dance. This is an extremely difficult choice, but Yahweh has placed it upon my heart that I cannot let myself be miserable anymore. :) Thanks for everything.


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