Monday, December 12, 2011

Another Post About The Head Covering

As a teenager, I do face a lot of different situations and problems, but when you throw the head covering into the mix, it gets even more difficult.

Needless to say, not all of my friends and family have been supportive, or polite for that matter. But it's expected,I suppose.

If you're a teenager, even an adult, and you're facing persecution because of the head covering, here's a few tips: 1. Pray. 2. Comment on this post that you need prayer and I'll pray for you. 3. Try and let people's comments slide off your back like water slides off a duck's back, but if it gets too out of hand, nicely tell them to stop ( but in different words. You decide what is best. )


  1. I admire you, you are only a teen but You have your own mind and u ve got inner strength .


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