Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why Do You Cover?

Some of us cover out of modesty, some of us cover because of Scriptural commands, some cover for both reasons. Why do you, my dear reader, cover your head? ( Even if it's because of chemo. )

Yahweh Bless!

The Head Covering Geek

1 comment:

  1. I began covering from a new understanding of the command in the letter from the apostle Paul (new understanding to me, anyway), and yet the more I studied, the more I understood the connection between the two reasons here: out of obedience, and for modesty's sake. Especially when considering that wearing a headcovering separates me from the men while I pray or speak the words of GOD, I am humbled, and thus am covered from humble modesty as well as to cover that "mantle" which I was given as a "glory".


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