Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Treat Me Like A Normal Person, But With Respect

When I wear a head covering, I don't want to be ostracized for my mode of dress. I want people to treat me like they'd treat other, non-covering people, but with respect.

People shouldn't whisper, stare in a rude manner, or make fun of women/female teens/girls who wear a head covering, whatever style it may be. For some of us it hurts to see people judging us, some judge out of ignorance.

Respect people, respect Jewish women, respect Muslim women, respect Catholic women, respect everyone. Just because someone is different doesn't mean they're strange.

Then turn it around: If someone was making fun of you or you heard them whispering about you, how would you feel?

Treat a covered woman ( or teen or young girl ) with the same respect you'd give to your best friend or your mom.

1 comment:

  1. Ameeeeeeeeennn!!!!!!! Ameeeeeeeeeeennn!!!!!


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