Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Modest Attire and Head Coverings-Oppression? I Don't Think So

I fear that....people ( ones who don't wear head coverings or modest dress )sometimes tend to think that we teens ( or girls, women, whatever age of female is reading this blog )are forced into wearing the head covering; that the head covering is a sign of " oppression ".

Yes, I'm aware that is something you'd most likely hear from a Muslim women, but I think the Christian head covering/modest dressing females can say that also.

I, for one, am not oppressed. I chose modest, feminine clothing on my own, and the head covering also. My parents did not tell me to wear a head covering, and while I am taught to wear modest clothing; I switched over to the skirts and dressed by my own choice.

But while you are reading this post, I don't want you to be thinking that every woman, teen, and girl covers from her own choice. I simply don't think that to be true. I do think some females are probably " forced " to wear a head covering, but you really have to educate yourself about why we wear head coverings.

Just my thoughts.

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