Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy new year to all of my blog readers! :) May 2012 be a fresh start for us all.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

An Interesting Video

I just found this cool video on Youtube about some reactions this Christian lady got about her head coverings. Reactions To The Head Covering

An Important Lesson-Don't Force Your Beliefs On Others

Throughout my journey with the head covering, I have learned that trying to force your ways on others will not make them want to follow what you're following ( or in this case, wear what you wear ).

When I first began wearing a head covering and dressing modestly, I was incredibly naive. I tried getting my sister to wear more modest clothing, and even discussed the 1 Corinthians verses with her ( not that there's anything wrong with that ) but I realized that 1. I have my own beliefs. 2. If I expect people to respect my beliefs, I have to respect theirs. 3. Not everyone will agree with you! Luckily Mom has been nice enough to " agree to disagree ".

I don't know if some of my readers know this, but when I first started wearing a head covering, it was out of modesty. I don't think at the time I was even aware of the 1 Corinthians verses talking about the head covering! Overtime though I learned about these verses, researched about them, and in the end I agreed with them. ( Though, not everyone will. )

An important lesson? Don't try and force your beliefs on others. It will not make them want to learn about what you believe or wear what you wear.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Chuckie Cheeses and Muslim Head Coverings ( 12 23 11 )

Yesterday after myself, my younger sister, and my brother ( my toddler sis hasn't had a dentist appt.yet ) got out of the dentist, we went to Chuckie Cheese's. Not that we exactly planned on it but we were looking for McDonald's, lol.

While we were there ( and my mouth still numb, could barely taste the slice of pizza I was attempting to eat. It's difficult when one side of your mouth is numb and the other is completely normal! ) three Muslim women walked in. I don't hate Muslims or anything, and I actually like their covering style ( the hijabs and so on. ).

What really inspired me was their having fun playing games with their husband ( or brother ) and not caring as to whether others stared or not.

I used to be so self-conscious of myself ( and sometimes I still am! ) but I came to realize that just because I wear a head covering doesn't mean I'm some kind of alien from outer space. My head covering doesn't make me a " different " person ( a different person as in not a human being, not quite sure how to explain that. ). I'm normal, just like everyone else, but I just dress differently.

Muslim Head Coverings-Bans and All

Before I start rambling on here I want to get one thing straight: I respect Muslim women in their choice to wear any form of head covering, hijab or niqab, even if I don't agree with it. I don't hate Muslims, for Yahweh tells us to love everyone. Now, onto my post.

Some of you are probably aware of the Muslim face veil ban in Canada. ( Here's the first woman to be jailed for wearing one: Woman Jailed for Wearing Islamic Veil ) I haven't formed my entire opinion of it yet, but here's what I am currently thinking: Toy masks are used for robberys, why not ban them? People talk about the niqab and burka " When it was introduced, he said the ban was aimed at stopping criminals – from terrorists to shoplifters – disguising their faces from security staff and CCTV. ". I know that they can be used in robberies, or used by terrorists, but something's missing here, and I'm not sure I know what. I'll figure that out later...

Also, I believe people have been given a misrepresentation as to why the Muslim veils are put on. I know some Muslim women are undoubtedly forced into wearing one, but aren't some Christian women also? I find it strange that when I type in " head covering " on the Google search engine under News, all I find them talking about is the Muslim head coverings and face veils. Why not the Christian ones? Why aren't stories about Christian girls in schools not being allowed to wear a head covering being put on there? In my personal, biased opinion I think the world focuses entirely too much on the Muslim head and face coverings.

Just my two cents. Comments? ( Muslim women please come forward too and comment if you wish )

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Quick Thought

When it talks about in the Bible when Jacob was tricked into marrying Leah, people wonder how he got tricked into marrying her. But I wonder, could she have been wearing a Bedoudin veil/burka? I know there was a different culture back then.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Just A Quick Post

I am at the dentist and might have to have the tooth filled. Please pray that I won't be too nervous. ( I always get nervous idk why. ) But my hands are getting really red and it may be a combo of nerves and a soap allergy.

Yahweh bless!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Facebook Page!

My New Facebook Page! :)
The Head Covering Geek

Head Covering-Wearing It In Front of The Family For The First Time?

I wanted to share my experiences about wearing a head covering with family, especially for those of you who are visiting family for the holidays and are covered for the first time.

As some of you probably know, I'm going over to my aunt and uncle's soon. Besides them and my immediate family, my grandparents will probably be there. This will be the first time ( in person ) that they've seen me cover, since my pics on Facebook are ( mostly ) of me covered.

Truth is, if I wear a kerchief I'll be plain scared , and while there's nothing wrong with that, I need to get over it and pray for strength. It is definitely difficult if some ( or all! ) of the family members are outspoken.

When I wore my covering for the first time in front of some second and first cousins ( I don't exactly remember which, I'm not good with remembering who qualifies as a first, second, or third cousin, lol ), the adult never commented on it. The younger was is a child, 10 years of age. Though she didn't say it to my face, she did mention something about it to my younger sister ( not in a good way. I think my sister told me that the younger cousin said something about it being weird. I'll have to ask my sister.... ).

My point? While being covered in front of family members for the first time, we can ask Yahweh for strength,and He will give it to us. :)

Yahweh bless!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Head Covering-A Short Post at Being Stared At

My experiences with wearing the head covering haven't always been entirely pleasurable, with the way people stare sometimes, but that doesn't mean that when you throw on a head covering that people are (always) going to be staring rudely at you like a hunter stares at his hunted, some people actually smile. :)

Don't ever let bad experiences with the head covering discourage you from wearing the head covering. The devil will attack you repeatedly, but you must prevail over that scummy beast and obey Yahweh. :)

Yahweh bless!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Another Post About The Head Covering

As a teenager, I do face a lot of different situations and problems, but when you throw the head covering into the mix, it gets even more difficult.

Needless to say, not all of my friends and family have been supportive, or polite for that matter. But it's expected,I suppose.

If you're a teenager, even an adult, and you're facing persecution because of the head covering, here's a few tips: 1. Pray. 2. Comment on this post that you need prayer and I'll pray for you. 3. Try and let people's comments slide off your back like water slides off a duck's back, but if it gets too out of hand, nicely tell them to stop ( but in different words. You decide what is best. )

Wearing a Head Covering Full Time or Just in Church?

I have often debated ( within myself ) whether the head covering is just suppposed to be worn in a church setting or all the time.

My perspective? I think Paul ( in the Bible )was commanding us females to wear the head covering in the church, but since you are praying in church, and you pray when you're not in church, doesn't that mean we should wear a head covering at any time during prayer, whether in the church or in public?

I'm not going to go into the topic of married women wearing a head covering to save the glory of their hair for their husbands in this post, but no matter the style or length of covering, I'm convicted to wear a head covering when I'm praying. And it gets awkward to pop a head covering on every time you want to pray.

But I'm a dancer, and we wear our hair in a ponytail, not a bun. I'm not sure if I could ask my teacher if I could wear my hair in a bun while I'm performing so I could put a bun cover on and still be observing the head covering.

Just a dilemna within myself and something I wanted to share.

Yahweh bless!

PS How's your week going?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Head Covering-What I've Learned

Never in my journey through the head covering have I wished to offend anyone or put the holier-than-thou impression on others. I am just as much as a sinner as anyone else, but I am saved by the grace of Yahweh.

In my first months as a head covering teen, I was extremely naive and I did judge others, but through those months I matured and realized that I'm not better than those who don't observe the head covering practice.

I've also learned something important: I don't need to worry about people staring at me. I've pretty much gotten used to it. I was once like that, so I can understand it a little better now.

Something Not Related To The Head Covering-TV and Its Influence

While this isn't related to the topic of the head covering, I feel compelled to write about this anyway.

TV can be a bad thing and a good thing. While there are some really clean and wholesome shows on TV, there can be a lot of bad ones, and what they put and say on commericals is extremely appalling.

TVs and their commericals can have a lot of influence on today's teens, even adults. Commericals selling weight loss products and a whole lotta other things can influence people to do things. I hear this line," I need to lose weight. " way too much. As my mom says, Yahweh makes us all many different sizes. In my opinion, I think people all want to be " clones " sometimes, all stick thin. There's nothing wrong with being thin or large, we're all beautiful in God's eyes.

Just something I felt I needed to share.

Yahweh bless

PS Some people have medical reasons and have to lose weight for that reason, and in this post I'm not talking about those kinds of people.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Head Covering-Some Other Random Post

What I fail to understand sometimes is people's ignorance about the head covering, but then I realize that I was once ignorant myself, so I try and not judge those who do not know much about the head covering.

I am part of a head covering group on Yahoo!. I highly suggest that women, teens, and girls alike who are new to the head covering, even those that have been covering for a while, to join a head covering group. Many offer great moral support. ( The group that I'm a part of is definitely a blessing. )

I do have a question though: What is the reason for women in many churches to abandon the head covering? ( In the 1900 years it was mostly a hat. )

Please comment, but be civil. :)

Yahweh bless!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Visa gift card giveaway!

Here's a cool Visa gift card giveaway at Ladies Gadgets! It ends on December 17th and it'd be great for anyone! ( Note it's only open to US residents )

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Big Cyber Hug :)

I hope that my modest little blog will gain more readers overtime, as with my other blog, but to all my readers out there, I just wanted to give you all a big, cyber hug. :) I hope your day is great and Yahweh bless!

( Also, I've got some Russian readers too, according to my stats! :D I never thought I'd get other readers from a different country! )

( Extra note: Even some readers from Germany and Lativa! May Yahweh be praised for his goodness! )

An Interesting Article, and My Email

I found an interesting article on the head covering.

Also, I finally logged back onto my email, so if anyone has questions or would just like to talk, you can reach me at ( No pervs, please. )

For Some Posts, There is No Title...........

I remember when I first started to cover. I did so out of modesty. The bad part about that was, I despised not covering all of my hair.

Later on, I decided for myself that one of my reasons for covering will not be modesty until I am married. While I know a woman's hair can make her very attractive, I don't really have a problem with my hair showing while I'm single. ( I'm still deciding that if in the future when/if I'm married whether I should cover all of my hair or not, saving the glory and beauty of my hair for my husband. )

In a few months ( Februaryish, March ) it will be my one year anniversary of wearing the head covering! ( I did so a little, but not a lot, in February but did moreso in March. )

When is your " covering anniversary "?

Friday, November 25, 2011

What I've Been Doing: Black Friday Shopping

First of all, Happy Sabbath to all. :)

I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. My immediate family ( siblings, parents ) and I ate at our house, then later that night Mom and I went Black Friday shopping. ( That was the first time I'd ever done it and the first or second time my mom had done it. ) Basically we spent around 10-15 minutes looking for a parking space. It was packed , not even to mention the line of people at a department store. ( Belk, I think. )

Anyway, I got some Christmas presents for people, but I also got two skirts, one shirt, and a headscarf.

I and my Mom know that Christmas is originated from a pagan holiday, and for a couple of years there we did not celebrate Christmas. Eventually my mom just " gave up " and we got a tree and put up lights. ( My dad and her have different views on the whole pagan holiday thing, I suppose. )

This was a totally off-topic post but I just wanted to let y'all know what I've been doing. :)

Yahweh bless, and have a good Sabbath!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why Do You Cover?

Some of us cover out of modesty, some of us cover because of Scriptural commands, some cover for both reasons. Why do you, my dear reader, cover your head? ( Even if it's because of chemo. )

Yahweh Bless!

The Head Covering Geek

Don't Break Your Neck!

I understand that when someone sees something different, out of the ordinary, or something new in their enviroment, they will look. This doesn't mean stare at me while you're driving and nearly break your neck looking at me!

I've been on both sides of the coin, looking at and being looked at . I know I mainly looked out of curosity, not out of rudeness. Now I know that people look at me because 1. They're curious. 2. They're wondering " What is that thing on her head? " ( Okay, I guess that falls under #1 too. ) 3. They're just rude. 4. All of the above.

So remember. If you see a Mennonite ( or another " religious " person ) don't stare at them for too long, it might be taken the wrong way.

Yahweh bless!

The Head Covering Geek

The Issue of Covering While Dancing

I do want to observe the head covering full-time so very much, but I haven't really considered the fact that I could ask my dance teachers if I could wear a bun cover or some sort of head covering ( that wouldn't draw too much attention ) while I danced/performed. One problem: Generally we wear our hair in a ponytail. Hmm....


Head Covering- Peoples' Opinions and the " Family Situation "

I will try and post some pictures of my new head covering soon, but meanwhile I feel the need to post since the post before my last post was on Nov. 3.

People are going to dislike what you do sometimes, but, as hard as it is, you can't let other peoples' opinions stop you from following what you believe ( unless you believe that you need to kill someone, that's different. ;) ).

With the family situation most new head coverers find themselves in, I will tell you this: Overtime, some of your ( immediate ) family will get used to the covering. If not, try a different one. I've tried cloth headbands and my dad likes them. ( He doesn't verbally express his feelings towards my head coverings most of the time but he told me he " liked my scarf ", actually it was a cloth headband, but still. :) )

But always pray for Yahweh's guidance and strength.

If any of you are in need of prayer, please feel more than welcome to comment or email me. :)

Yahweh Bless!

The Head Covering Geek

The Other Day in Dollar General

I've started leaning more towards my white lace veil recently. It has a nice, plain look and goes with just about every outfit.

I was in Dollar General the other day and I was at the checkout with my mom. There were two women cashiers there, and one of them asked me a question,

" Why do you wear that thing on your head? "

Okay," that thing " is a head covering. Moving on.

" Because I like it. " ( My mom told me that this is the response I should give to people who aren't really asking for an answer. )

" Oh I thought it was a religious thing. "

I think I kind of nervously chuckled and responded," Yeah, it kinda is. " Then, to my relief we were out of the store.

Needless to say, Mom was offended by that lady's question, but I told her that some people just don't know how to ask politely.

Yahweh bless!

The Head Covering Geek

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Head Covering Giveaway by Sowers of Hope Boutique

Hey everyone, there's a head covering giveaway on Sowers of Hope Boutique, it ends Nov. 15 so don't miss it! :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Some of My Thoughts.........

Do you ever have those weird moments when you feel " trapped " in the head covering and/or just wanna take it off? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Sometimes I just feel singled out because I wear the head covering and I feel like some people treat me differently in the bad way because they are judging me since I wear a head covering. Then I feel trapped for some reason....maybe because I know it'd be wrong for me to take it off, yet sometimes I want to take it off to fit in.

Most strangers may be ignorant as to why we wear a head covering, others are simply staring out of curiosity, some may even be staring because they think you're oppressed and " forced " to wear the head covering.

Do you want to fit in?

Honestly, none of us should want to fit in, but we're only human, and I think it's natural to want to fit in. But we should want to be ourselves, and represent our Yahweh no matter how much we stand out.

Just some of my thoughts.....

Yahweh Bless!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Thoughts on Muslim Head Coverings

I wanted to convey to my readers ( where ever on God's green  Earth you may be ) my thoughts about wearing a head scarf but looking like a Muslim.

First, I have nothing against Muslims. I do not hate them.

Looking like a Muslim isn't necessarily a " bad " thing, but I think for those of us who cover for religious reasons, we convey a certain image to the world. You can ( most of the time ) see someone with a kapp ( an Amish/Mennonite head covering ) and know she is most likely Amish or Mennonite. Just like when you look at a burka clad woman, she's most likely Muslim ( though I have seen some Christian women don a burka or a face veil ). Here are my reasons I don't want to look like a Muslim.

First, when I don a head covering, when people look at me I want them to know what " religion " I follow ( It's a relationship with Christ not a religion. ). I don't want them being confused.

Please don't think I'm judging you if you're a Christian woman and wear a face veil, these are just my personal feelings about it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Own Personal Rantings

I feel like now that I wear the  head covering, some people ( mostly those I've known for a while ) treat me a bad way. I even caught a friend ( not a close friend, but a friend ) whispering to someone about the head covering I was wearing. I think the Devil is at work here, I'm feeling very discouraged right now. :/ I feel like I'd be more accepted amongst others if I reverted back to my old ways.

But I can't, because it would be wrong of me to succumb under peer pressure. I need strength, but it's hard when no one else ( family or friends ) shares your beliefs.

Thankfully, I am a part of a very supportive online Yahoo! group called Prayercoverings3. If you're looking for a group of nice, encouraging women ( even a few teens! ) then this is a good place to come to. ( No lurking allowed! )

God bless!

The Head Covering Geek

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Random Blog Post on Head Coverings

I really wish people wouldn't put stereotypes on certain clothing. :/

My head covering symbolizes who I am and what I believe. I honestly laugh when people ignorantly look at me and say that I'm " weird ". Heck,let 'em think I'm weird! LOL! I'm different. I don't want to blend in with the world.....ok, wait I'm getting off topic here.

Whether you don a head covering for modesty, religious, fashion, or medical reasons, it can be so much fun shopping for head coverings, there is a wide variety out there! :)

Bless you in Yahweh's name!

The Head Covering Geek

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Georgia Woman Sues Court For Being Forced To Remove Head Scarf-Case Resolved

Georgia City Agrees to Adapt Courthouse Security Screenings to Accommodate Religious Head Covering

I vaguely remember hearing about this case a while back, and I'm happy with its resolution. I can understand there being " security issues " and I know they're a very real issue. But thankfully this Georgia city has agreed to do those security screening thingies....

Question Of The Day!

Question of the day! What in your opinion defines a head covering? Comment with your answer. :)

Some Pics of My Head Coverings

( the white one is one I attempted to cut out of an old bedsheet! XD )

More will be added eventually as I do have more head coverings! ( Which I probably need to thin out anyway. )

The Head Covering-A Scriptural Command or Cultural Practice?

Wow, this is something I've been pondering for a while. 1 Corinthians 11 2-16  is a hot topic, with various interpretations. Some interpret this as Paul commanding the non Jewish women to cover in church so as not to cause strife with the Jewish women if they were uncovered. Others interpret these verses as a commandment to cover ones head in church, some interpret these verses as a command to cover ones head all the time. Ah! The list is exhausting, but here's my questions:

1. Were the head coverings back in that time merely a cultural practice? If not, then the reader must ask why there was already a practice of the Jewish women covering their heads.

2. Verse 15:" But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. " KJV version

Is this saying that the woman's hair is the head covering? Then why did the Jewish women practice the head covering?

I think this is something every one believer should look up and study themselves. I realize that there will be a wide variety of interpretations, but is it not the duty of every one person to study the Bible for themselves? If you want to share your interpretation, please feel free to comment below. :)

Hello, World!

Hello, Cyberspace! I'm The Head Covering Geek ( aka modestyconvert ) and this is my new blog dedicated specifically to head coverings! I also have another blog,

Enjoy, and God bless!

The Head Covering Geek