Yesterday after myself, my younger sister, and my brother ( my toddler sis hasn't had a dentist appt.yet ) got out of the dentist, we went to Chuckie Cheese's. Not that we exactly planned on it but we were looking for McDonald's, lol.
While we were there ( and my mouth still numb, could barely taste the slice of pizza I was attempting to eat. It's difficult when one side of your mouth is numb and the other is completely normal! ) three Muslim women walked in. I don't hate Muslims or anything, and I actually like their covering style ( the hijabs and so on. ).
What really inspired me was their having fun playing games with their husband ( or brother ) and not caring as to whether others stared or not.
I used to be so self-conscious of myself ( and sometimes I still am! ) but I came to realize that just because I wear a head covering doesn't mean I'm some kind of alien from outer space. My head covering doesn't make me a " different " person ( a different person as in not a human being, not quite sure how to explain that. ). I'm normal, just like everyone else, but I just dress differently.
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