Some of us cover out of modesty, some of us cover because of Scriptural commands, some cover for both reasons. Why do you, my dear reader, cover your head? ( Even if it's because of chemo. )
Yahweh Bless!
The Head Covering Geek
My blog about head coverings and modesty, with a touch of my personal life. :) Enjoy and have a blessed day!
I began covering from a new understanding of the command in the letter from the apostle Paul (new understanding to me, anyway), and yet the more I studied, the more I understood the connection between the two reasons here: out of obedience, and for modesty's sake. Especially when considering that wearing a headcovering separates me from the men while I pray or speak the words of GOD, I am humbled, and thus am covered from humble modesty as well as to cover that "mantle" which I was given as a "glory".