I wanted to share my experiences about wearing a head covering with family, especially for those of you who are visiting family for the holidays and are covered for the first time.
As some of you probably know, I'm going over to my aunt and uncle's soon. Besides them and my immediate family, my grandparents will probably be there. This will be the first time ( in person ) that they've seen me cover, since my pics on Facebook are ( mostly ) of me covered.
Truth is, if I wear a kerchief I'll be plain scared , and while there's nothing wrong with that, I need to get over it and pray for strength. It is definitely difficult if some ( or all! ) of the family members are outspoken.
When I wore my covering for the first time in front of some second and first cousins ( I don't exactly remember which, I'm not good with remembering who qualifies as a first, second, or third cousin, lol ), the adult never commented on it. The younger was is a child, 10 years of age. Though she didn't say it to my face, she did mention something about it to my younger sister ( not in a good way. I think my sister told me that the younger cousin said something about it being weird. I'll have to ask my sister.... ).
My point? While being covered in front of family members for the first time, we can ask Yahweh for strength,and He will give it to us. :)
Yahweh bless!
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