Friday, May 18, 2012

Life Update

I can't believe it's been sixteen days since my last blog post! My apologies. Anyway, I think I'll just do a " life update " today. The recital was on May 12th, and went considerably well. I enjoyed it very much. Dad's okay, he has been having a few chest pains lately, but he just has to be careful how much he exerts himself. ( Thanks for any and all prayers. :) ) I've had strange dreams lately about dance and the head covering. One was a dream about everytime I went to a restroom stall ( I was in a dance costume ), a Muslim ( covered ) girl would sit in the stall behind me, watching me. Strange, eh? Big cyberhugs to all my readers and subscribers! I appreciate the number of hits I have on this blog. Please tell me if you have any requests for a particular post topic. Yahweh bless!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Am Not Comfortable In Shorts

( I cut out some of the pic to respect the other girl's privacy. )

Do you see these shorts? They are pulled up a wee bit, but is it appropiate for me to show this.much leg?

[i] No [/i]

The outfit itself is immodest, and as I try and immerse myself in more Godlier things and talk to modest women and teens, my desire to dance slides away. This makes me happy. :) I am not taking again after the Jume competition is over, so that's two more months until I am finally free of the worldly, immodest things I have had to wear for performances.

I felt a little conflicted about uploading this pic, but if I am letting a lot of total strangers at the performances see this, why not let my readers see this?

I am by no means perfect, we all stumble. But it's time for me to accept the fact that Yahweh wishes for me to be a Godly, modest teen.

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