Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm covered but.....

Here's my conflict with taking dance again:

Sure, one of my costumes this year has a V-neck, but I don't think I'm exposing a lot.

But I want to wear very covering ( scarfs, kapps, veils, do you know what I mean ) head coverings and long dresses.

Yet I worry about people looking at me and saying " How can she go perform and wear THAT but wear head coverings, skirts/dresses? " It's the hypocritical part I worry about.

( Note: I cannot choose my own costume since I am involved in the group and production dances. )


1 comment:

  1. Maybe wearing head scarves or something would help. Maybe a scarve that covers the V neck part?
    I am not really sure, :) just trying to think and help.


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