Monday, January 23, 2012


( disclaimer: I do not post to offend other people or force my beliefs on others. I am simply stating my beliefs and opinions, you, dear reader, have the right to agree or disagree with me. )

I have a problem with females ( women, teens, young girls ) just throwing on whatever they can pull out of their wardrobe without giving a thought as to whether it's 1. Too tight. 2. Revealing. 3. Provocative. Some don't give a rat's behind about their attire, but I also know some simply don't know how their clothing looks on them.

Our bodies are a temple of our Creator, and we should respect them.

Modesty isn't something that's widely promoted in our culture; rather immodesty and provocativeness. Many are blinded by the media, current fashions, etc.

Now, that being said, there are some females who do wear modest clothing. They have respect for their bodies, and don't flash a lot of skin. ( I'm not talking about a burqa here, I'm talking about a skirt versus booty shorts. )

Head coverings? Yes, there are some non-Amish, non-Mennonite females who do don a head covering, yet unless you live in an Islamic communitity you are unlikely to see many head covering women.

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